A few of my favourite things

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Location: Merrickville, Ontario, Canada

A day without rats is a day without sunshine!

Saturday, September 30, 2006

My kitchen!

Yes, I'm being very material in this post! We just had our non-existant kitchen turned into a real one and I LOVE it! I love my huge double porcelain Ikea sink too, I never thought I could wax poetic about a sink but doing dishes and scrubbing rat cages has never been so much fun :o)

Saturday, August 13, 2005

A bad start to a good thing

Considering I was going to post once a day with a favourite thing, I'd have to give myself a mark of abismal (sp).

It's now August, and I've thought ever-so-often of little things that make life here so uplifting for my spirit.

Today it would probably be hearing sounds from the local Agricultural Fair coming drifting in the windows on the breeze. Knowing I can walk over there if I choose, or not. I can stay here and enjoy this day when no work is pressing, wander around the garden, fill the feeder and watch my baby rats sleeping happily with full bellies and soft blankets.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

About this blog

We moved at the end of last year and I'm enjoying our little house and surroundings so much I thought I'd share the things that mean a lot to me.

I'll start out with getting out of the car when I get home from work, it's been dark and if the sky is clear I'll stand for a few moments and listen to how quiet things are and look up to see the moon and stars. Some nights there will be a big full moon shining through the trees, other times I'll focus on Orion who's right across the street. It's cold and crisp and white, sometimes a few flakes of snow will be drifting down, sparkling in the light from the house. I feel lucky to be able to enjoy the peace.